Friday, October 20, 2006

So you what?

Well, I suppose we should take a moment to talk about what we hope to do with this blog. We intend it to be an open forum for people to talk about relationships. What makes them work better, what makes them stronger, and how we can get there.

Rather than focus on what doesn't work (God knows there is enough of that) we would prefer to focus on what does and what we can learn from it. To kick things off here is our (Debbie & Paul's) short story - an audio clip taken from the introduction to our Be A Better Partner Handbook.

The bottom line: It has been quite a relationship roller coaster ride (including trying to publish our stuff and get this business off the ground) but we made it and are going strong!!! Sure there are some days when we bug the s--- out of each other, but those days cannot possibly match the majority of days when it all feels right...and we go back to cherishing each other.

Care to share your short story...???

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